data center
in the heart of Europe

Innovation, safety and availability combined

Welcome to the partimus data center in Limburg, the heart of our IT infrastructure. Our state-of-the-art data center offers you first-class performance and security, backed by ISO 27001 certification, Level 3 TÜV certification and the latest technology. Thanks to our central location in Limburg, we are ideally positioned to offer you a reliable and scalable IT solution – from Limburg to the world. True to our guiding principle: “host local. share global.”

Facts & Figures

Our data center in detail

Server rooms
Server racks
500 TB
Backup capacity
Flur mit schwarzen Serverschränken rechts und links.
Your advantages

How you benefit from our data center

Highest availability

By using redundant systems and state-of-the-art technologies, we guarantee exceptionally high availability so that your IT infrastructure runs almost without interruption and downtimes are reduced to a minimum.

Security at the highest level

Our data center is ISO 27001-certified, audited by TÜV Saarland and offers comprehensive security measures that protect your data and IT systems from potential threats around the clock, thus guaranteeing the highest security standards.

Central location

The strategic location of our data center in Limburg provides excellent connections to national and international networks, ensuring fast and reliable connections for your business needs.

Flexibility and scalability

We offer customized solutions and a scalable infrastructure that flexibly adapts to your growth and changing needs, so you can always use the resources you need.

Excellent support

Our experienced team is on hand around the clock with comprehensive monitoring and support to ensure that your IT infrastructure is always running smoothly and that you receive help quickly in the event of problems.

Flur mit schwarzen Serverschränken auf der rechten Seite.
Aufnahme, wie ein Server in einen Serverschrank geschoben wird.
Your success story with partimus

Discover your possibilities with partimus

Our state-of-the-art data center offers you the perfect infrastructure for your individual IT requirements – we develop the optimal solution for you.
Let’s shape your IT future together.
Contact us directly for a no-obligation consultation – we look forward to hearing from you.

Security in all sectors

The partimus security concept

Certified security in accordance with ISO 27001

At our location in Limburg, we operate our data center with a certified Information Security Management System (ISMS), which has been certified by TÜV Rheinland in accordance with ISO 27001.
As a prerequisite for certification, partimus has undergone a multi-stage audit process with the data center and the associated organizational processes, which is repeated in a regular cycle.

The partimus ISMS guarantees you full protection with regard to IT security legislation, whose requirements for data protection and the associated liability risks are being further tightened by the EU’s current General Data Protection Regulation.
In addition, certification not only provides you with legal protection, but also improved security, which brings numerous business benefits.

In addition, our data center has been tested by TÜV Saarland and certified to the high level 3, thus meeting the highest security standards.

Schwarze Wand mit eckigen Formen. darauf großer roter Knopf mit Totenkopf Symbol und roten Linien die über die Wand führen.

Multi-layered access protection

Data centers are constantly exposed to security threats due to the storage and processing of valuable data.
However, one of the most important security factors for data centers is physical security.
To maintain the security of our data center building and infrastructure, we guarantee a multi-layered security system to ensure the continuous, trouble-free operation of our data centers and customer systems.

Aufnahme der Zaunanlage hinter dem Rechenzentrum.
Perimeter protection

The company premises on which the data center is located are protected against unauthorized access by a fence system with an access-controlled gate. The data center itself has additional perimeter protection. The gate to the customer parking lot and the building is controlled and monitored by the Operation Center and access to the site remains closed to unauthorized persons around the clock.

Aufnahme vom verglasten Haupteingang vom partimus Gebäude mit Zugangsterminal.
24/7 video surveillance

The outside area, all building entrances and the data center area are monitored at all times by cameras with motion detection. The live video sequences are transmitted to the Operation Center, where they are checked and also stored for later review.

Aufnahme des Zugangskontrollsystems der Marke "eco systems" mit Fingerabdrucksensor und Display. Zugang erfolgt nach Zwei-Faktor-Authentifikation.
Access control

Access to the data center is only possible after prior registration, accompanied by authorized employees and in accordance with the security concept with two-factor authentication (2FA). Authentication is carried out with a personalized RFID transponder of the employee ("possession") in combination with successful entry of the personal PIN ("knowledge") or by biometric recognition ("fingerprint").

5-zone safety concept

The partimus data center offers maximum security thanks to a sophisticated 5-zone security concept.
Each zone, from the property boundary to the cage in the data center, is equipped with state-of-the-art security measures such as multi-level access controls, video surveillance and alarm systems.
In this way, we ensure that your IT infrastructure is always optimally protected.

Sicherheitszone 1: Grundstück des Rechenzentrums mit eingezeichneter Kameraüberwachung an vier Ecken, Zaunanlage und Rolltor.
Safety zone 1: Property

Driveway and access control
Fencing system with roller shutters
Camera surveillance

Sicherheitszone 2: Gebäudehülle des Rechenzentrums mit eingezeichneter Kameraüberwachung an vier Ecken, Alarmanlage und Kontrollstationen CHIP+PIN.
Safety zone 2: Building envelope

2-factor access control Chip+PIN
Camera surveillance
Alarm system

Sicherheitszone 3: Innenräume des Rechenzentrums mit eingezeichneter Kameraüberwachung und Alarmgesicherten Türen.
Safety zone 3: Interiors

2-factor access control chip+PIN/biometrics
Camera surveillance
Alarm system

Hochsicherheitszone 4: Rechenzentrum mit eingezeichneter Kameraüberwachung und Kontrollstationen Chip+Fingerprint an jeder Tür.
High security zone 4: Data center

Multi-factor access control
Video surveillance
Alarm system

Sicherheitszone 5: Gittercage im Rechenzentrum mit eingezeichneter Kameraüberwachung und Kontrollstationen Chip+Fingerprint an jeder Tür.
Safety zone 5: Grid cage

2-factor access control chip+biometrics
Camera surveillance
Alarm system

Intelligent automatic safety features

Our intelligent automatic security system combines state-of-the-art monitoring and alarm systems that respond to faults in real time and initiate immediate action.
Fire protection systems with highly sensitive smoke detectors and an automatic CO2 extinguishing system ensure early detection and effective protection.
This is complemented by a redundant power supply and a multi-layered cyber defense concept that reliably protects our IT systems and networks against attacks.

Monitoring and alerting

The building management system is fully integrated into our central monitoring solution and alarm processes. Compliance with defined operating parameters and/or fault messages are immediately signaled both to the staff on site and to our security service providers, who are connected via redundant communication channels. Depending on the type of report, the security service provider informs the police, fire department and building services independently if necessary or first consults with the staff on site.

Fire protection concept

Highly sensitive smoke detectors for early fire detection (VESDA) are used to identify and prevent fires at an early stage. If additional fire detectors (2-line dependency) detect a potential fire, an automatic carbon dioxide extinguishing system (CO2 extinguishing system) is triggered after an advance warning to protect any people in the technical area. At the same time, the fire department, the Operation Center and the building services are informed and an emergency plan is activated.

Redundant power supply

A battery-supported uninterruptible power supply (UPS) combined with two diesel emergency power systems (EPS) ensure operation in the event of a failure of the public power grid. These are dimensioned in such a way that all components, including air conditioning, can continue to operate without restrictions.

Multi-layered protection against cyber attacks

The protection of networks and IT systems against cyber attacks is essential for partimus and we are constantly adapting to current threat situations. We have developed a multi-layered security concept based on D/DOS protection, threat detection (IDS/IPS), next generation firewalls, malware protection and tamper-proof backups for both our customers and our own systems.

Aufnahme der CO2-Löschanlage. Viele graue Gasflaschen aneinandergereiht.
Aufnahme der beiden Notstromaggregatoren auf dem Firmengelände.

Organizational security

As part of the ISMS, comprehensive emergency plans, strategies and escalation paths have been defined to ensure that even in crisis scenarios (e.g. in the event of fire, power outages or cyberattacks), essential systems can be operated without interruption and restored as quickly as possible.
In addition to regularly reviewing the necessary documentation, processes and systems, we at partimus conduct regular emergency drills and training sessions with all employees and external service providers (e.g. maintenance companies).
Critical systems required for operation, such as monitoring and power supply, are designed redundantly and distributed across our three independent data centers.
All systems are continuously maintained and subjected to regular function tests, including load transfer from the NEA.
Contractually agreed on-call services with our maintenance companies also ensure a rapid response in the event of a fault.

Partimus Logo mit Schriftzug den man durch das Fenster vom Bürogebäude sehen kann.
Get to know partimus

Get started with partimus

Take the opportunity to optimize your IT infrastructure and drive your business forward – contact us today to find out more about the tailored benefits partimus can offer you.

What we offer

Powerful services

Our data center in Limburg makes it possible: tailor-made colocation, state-of-the-art hardware, flexible cloud services and professional IT management – all perfectly tailored to your company’s requirements. These are our services for your company.

Cloud services
Managed services
Find out more about our services for your optimized IT.